Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Unique Bulgarian St. Stefan Church

After a long break, I started writing again. It's harder to write when you take a break. I've traveled a lot during this time. At first I thought a lot about which one to write about because I am undecided.

At first I think it is better to write about the Iron (Sveti Stefan) Church in Balat. This unique and different church fascinated me with its beauty.

So where is this church and how to get there?

You can easily make your way map to Sveti Stefan Church from Google maps, but I will tell you how to get there. You can reach the church by taking 3 buses from the IETT bus platforms in Eminönü. Which three buses? You have to take one of the buses 99Y, 48E and 99 and get off at the "Fener" stop. You're there in about 10 minutes. When you get off at the stop, you have 3 minutes walking distance. A beautiful view awaits you as you get off the bus. Already the church by the sea. On your left you will find the colorful historical houses and shops of Balat. On the right side you will see the coastal path with all its beauty. You will reach the church by walking through İbb Haliç Şair Nedim Park.


The white iron church will welcome you. As soon as I saw the church, I admired it. I was very impressed by the fact that it was made of iron. Many Bulgarian restaurants or shops accompany the Bulgarian church. Next time I go, I'd like to eat at one of the restaurants.

I leave here the information text at the door of the Bulgarian Church. You can read it, if you want detailed information. And there's no need to write it down. It says enough detailed information here. It is good for the meaning and importance of the church to read before entering.

The interior of the church is more spectacular and impressive than the outside. The gold embroidery is eye-catching. I couldn't help but look around admiringly. You don't want to get out. They've done great things in iron.

Depictions of the Virgin Mary and Jesus

After you leave the church, you can explore the impressive streets of Balat. Balat houses, famous for their colorful and wonderful architectural structures, will make you feel as if you have gone into the past. There are very nice cafes across the street. You can finish the day sweetly with a nice drink.

See you in another article.....

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