Sunday, August 26, 2018

How did I start to learn chinese?

At first, how did Chinese curiosity begin? I want to talk a little bit about these .

Okay, I already like Asian languages ​​and I'm interested them, but I never thought of contaminating Chinese. Obviously it was a little afraid. I learned Korean and Japanese a little bit on my own, but Chinese always seemed inaccessible to me, and even I was far away from exploring culture.
Then one day they shared something called Easy Chinese in university groups. They will give us a week of free tuition at the university. When I saw the free, I said I wanted to participate without thinking. There are Lotus Educational Institutions in Istanbul, this institution and a club in university organize this classes. Already in this institution I am continuing education (you can ask any question and get information from me). I was excitedly waiting for Easy Chinese to start. I did a little research, too.
That day came and I went to school. Teacher was Chinese. With a little delight. I was going to learn a language from the locals. A very sweet and sympathetic teacher, Wen Hao (still a friend of mine). At first he informed us about voices and characters. Maybe you know, but I still say, there is no letter in Chinese. Every word expresses a character, and the part that scared me. I can put images about it or even I can make Easy Chinese corner here for those who are interested. Anyway, if we go back to the subject, yes there are characters, so how many words there are so many characters. Yeah, they are a little bit scary. But I like shapes. Here is the second day, we learned how can we introduce. About the 3rd day dates and so on. 4,5, 6th day is over. I was very upset because it was so nice. Then I searched this place for the course. And in the summer I applied the intensified course. It lasted 2 months and 2 currencies were going to end.
Chinese 3 level 9 exchange rate. I mean there are 3 courses in every level. Now I finished level 1. In the meantime, we talked with a teacher and went to eat Chinese food, it has become one of the fav kitchens since day one. I have a lot of food to enjoy.
As I learned, I realized that learning was not so impossible. I can not deny that it's hard to say. The grammar structure is easier than Turkish, for example. Now I have many Chinese friends and say that it is difficult to Turkish (of course they live in Turkey and they learn Turkish😂 very quickly). But at least we do not have the alphabet, dear. Obviously, what I am most difficult to do is still keeping the characters in mind. Especially because we live in Turkey, our Chinese is difficult to get to the level we want. One of my recent goals is to graduate and go to language training in China for 1 year. I do not know whether it will or not, but until the end of my career.
Now my biggest advantage is  in Lotus Educational Institutions where I am trained with Chinese teachers. Both Chinese and Chinese cultures have the opportunity to learn first hand.
That's the way I started learning Chinese. I can help you write about this topic.
Maybe we will go to China together. 😅

I would like to mention in another article what happened when I took my Chinese friend to the country for the Feast of Sacrifice.

My first Chinese calligraphy

it called like Rampiza. it is like cold pasta salad.

it is chicken with vegetables and spicy souces.

it is one of my favorite food. it called like lagmen. it is pasta with spicy souces and vegetables.

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